Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh (Barra and Vatersay Community) Limited is a company incorporated as private limited by guarantee SC285873 and a Scottish Charity SC041923
Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh

The Community of Barra and Vatersay

Our vision recognises people as the key resource in Barra and Vatersay. Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh aims to promote projects which will make Barra and Vatersay a better place for people to live and work. Community led development is at the heart of Iomairt aig an Oir and is the focus for Coimhearsnachd Bharraidh agus Bhatarsaidh.


Barra and Vatersay have abundant natural resources. This is reflected in the economy of the islands which continues to be founded on produce from the land and the sea. Land - The use of land as a means of food production has reduced in recent years as the availability, variety and price of food from off the island has improved. However, there continues to be a strong interest in agriculture. The idea of local organic foods being  as desirable means to production there is considerable interest in this area: Assist Barra and Vatersay Agricultural and Horticultural Association to promote and develop produce, and to organise local food events and festivals. Work with the Crofters Commission, crofting townships and other interested parties to look into alternative uses of land, and the possibility of creating new crofts. Marine - In recent years over fishing has been a major issue. It now seems that in the West this situation is improving. However many challenges remain, examples being assessing the potential for new species such as squid and perhaps tuna and development of sustainable fisheries for these species. There may also be renewed prospects for aquaculture due to strong markets for farmed shellfish, salmon and trout. Wind, Wave and Tide - These three are viewed as prospects for future economic development. While wind technology is proven, wave and tide may be some years from development on any serious scale. Infrastructure barriers will also need to be overcome for these industries to develop. Pursue an island wide community renewable project Assist local community groups to develop renewable energy options.